Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Pineapple blocks

I'm almost finished putting together the elements of the Long Time Gone quilt.  I have "only" 16  pineapple blocks to paper piece out of a pile of scraps left over from other blocks in the quilt.  They aren't hard, but they do take time.  I can make 4 blocks in a day if I'm doing only that, but of course, I have other things to do.   Saturday afternoon, I went to my small quilt guild where we all work on our own handwork.  It's fun to sit and catch up with these women who are smart and funny.

Yesterday we were nearly out of bread, so I made some Honey Buttermilk bread.   I used the dough setting so that I could take it out and shape it for the final rise before baking it in the oven.   The shape baked in the oven is more useful than the one in the machine which makes a cube rather than a loaf.  Having had a slice this morning, I can say that it goes really well with homemade jam.  

Sunday morning was devoted to making mango-raspberry jam.  I haven't tried that yet as we have an open jar of peach melba.  Paul eats jam on his toast every morning, and I gave away quite a few jars at Christmastime, so we were nearly out.

I did discover that the best time to take the paper out from behind the blocks is while watching TV.   I put one small section of the quilt on the design wall and like the way it looks so far.  The Jen Kingwell pattern has you make a bunch of similar blocks at a time, and then you scatter those blocks through the quilt which is especially nice when using scraps.  The pineapples appear in a few places and I'm glad to be using snippets from previous blocks.  

The desire to put this quilt together is strong.  I was going to take a break and put more of the quilt together, but the pile of scraps needed for the pineapples were in the way and well organized by size.  I have only six more to go, so I hope to be finished with them in the next few days.  Then I'll start cutting the 1.5" sashing and make some filler checkerboard strips.  Then, finally, it will be time to put the whole thing together.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I feel like making bread but I feel like loosing 5 pounds more and my holiday weight crept up on me and won't fall off! Looking forward to seeing your quilt finished.

Unknown said...

As stated by Stanford Medical, It is in fact the ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 kilos less than we do.

(And really, it is not related to genetics or some secret diet and EVERYTHING around "how" they are eating.)

BTW, What I said is "HOW", not "what"...

TAP on this link to find out if this easy questionnaire can help you discover your real weight loss potential