Monday, March 23, 2020

Finally, photos

It was a sunny day yesterday, so Paul and I took a few pictures of projects I have finished this winter.  First - Long Time Gone, a Jen Kingwell design which turned out to take longer than I thought it would.  There were a lot of fiddly parts!  Marie did a great job quilting in an Orange Peel design on her long arm.

This little (36" x 36") quilt was hand appliqued and made entirely with scraps.  I dragged those melons to my Saturday hand quilting group meetings for about a year, and I enjoyed following the curves with my machine to quilt it.  I like pink but really don't like brown.  My late Tante Willy, who was quite an artist, put brown as an accent in most of her quilts, and I do like the way they look in this one.

Honeycomb, a pattern by Karen Griska, was the basis for this smaller (than Karen's) quilt.  She will be the featured speaker at the state quilt guild meeting this May, so I wanted to finish it and use it for publicity.  It's made almost entirely out of strings.

I quilted this by going round and round the honeycombs - so glad it wasn't any bigger!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

interesting to see the Honeycomb pattern, I have a photo of that one but no pattern and didn't even know where it came from