Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March blocks

I'm taking a break from machine quilting the appliqued floral table runner.  Laundry is folded and the dishwasher has been emptied.  Now for some photos of blocks I've made recently.

I made three teal scrappy blocks for the RSC20 (Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020).  The previous colors for this year have been light/lime green and orange.  Doing this project keeps me reviewing and cleaning out my bins for those colors each month.  It's amazing what I have found.  At the end of the year, if I continue to make 3 blocks a month, I will have enough for a nice-sized throw.  I can always make more blocks, too, if there are colors not chosen that I would like to use.   I sure hope purple is next as my bin is pretty full.

In the same project box with the white for my RSC20 are black and brights for the Heart of Vermont guild "block robin."   Everyone who wanted to participate put together a bag with background and other fabrics, and said what size blocks she'd like to receive.  (We do have several men in the guild but this year's group is all women.)  The bags go from person to person each month, and in the end, we should receive enough blocks to make a small quilt, larger if we make some additional blocks.

I decided that I'd like 9" blocks using a black "linen" background with brights.  Here are the blocks I've made so far, with the top left - Wild Goose Chase - the one I made this morning.  I can see that next month I should make a block with purple, hot pink, or yellow.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love those aqua/teal blocks

The Joyful Quilter said...

You really made quick work of those TEAL blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

Unknown said...

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The Joyful Quilter said...

Beautiful progress on your RSC blocks! They look lovely in TEAL.

Jo said...

Brights always pop against black, I love those blocks. And your rsc teal blocks look lovely as well.