Friday, March 20, 2020

Keeping busy

Happy spring!  It doesn't look too springy out here but at least most of the snow is gone.  It's supposed to rain, with a possible thunderstorm, today so I suspect more snow will go.  Yesterday we got a walk in in the morning, and then I got busy sewing and reading.  I even did a little knitting while watching TV.  These are bizarre times, aren't they?  We all wish we could stay home and get things done, but when we have to, it's a drag.  Humans are just social creatures.  I do feel lucky that we are retired and have incomes.  Those who work, especially hourly workers, are facing weeks of worry, I'm sure.

Not that I'm shopping much.  Our local hardware store is offering online ordering with next day pick up, so last night I ordered a case of pint canning jars.  I even paid via PayPal.  They should be ready this morning so I can process the gallon of syrup I bought at the library banquet.  I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it, but I feel very rich in syrup!  I will give some away.  Perhaps they'd be nice to bring to a friend's when invited for dinner, rather than a bottle of wine.  And I am happily using syrup in breads I bake.  It's such a Vermont thing to do.

As part of the "new normal," yesterday we got Pad Thai from the ramen noodle shop downtown for dinner and will have the leftovers for lunch today.  They were busy with take out orders, which is a good sign.   I went to a meeting via Zoom online last night, too.  Even though there were just three of us, we discovered it worked pretty well.  Wish I could go to the hairdresser's that way, but I had to trim my bangs myself.  The length will just have to be coped with a few more weeks.

Hope you are managing to find the good in small things during this very stressful time.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think this is going to last more than a few weeks but I sure hope I am wrong on this. My hair will get longer too and I will just need to cut it myself I guess and then get a good hair cut later on. Have fun processing your syrup!