Monday, August 16, 2021

Steadily sewing

Between heat, humidity and visitors, I haven't finished any projects lately, but I have made lots of chicken salad and fruit salad, my go-to foods for hot weather.   We've had a bit of a break the last day or two, but I hear we are heading for more humidity in the days to come.   I'll be in the sewing room for sure.

I started working on the tree skirt for Mom a few days ago, using the background fabric (on the right) I bought during my birthday spree.  I am not a pattern person, so following this one has been a little intense.  It's as much or more work than a bed-sized quilt.  I usually don't cut all the pieces for a quilt at once, but, following the pattern, I did.  Paper plates to the rescue!  They are all lined up, waiting for their pieces to be used.

The star blocks, which measure 10" and 5", are coming together slowly, using various reds and greens.  I'm going for a somewhat scrappy look, but the background fabric is plenty busy.  So I'm making the smaller blocks all one "solid."  Mom's favorite color is green, which will be nice on the edges.  I cut far too many little red and green squares, so I'll be using them for another project.  Maybe some reusable gift bags?  Mug rugs?

This will be a good week to make headway on this project; next week not so much.  I'll be busy with the next library book sale and the Democrats' annual picnic.  How did the middle of August come so fast?!?


1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

summer has flown by chicken salad and fruit salad sound good!