Friday, October 8, 2021


The fall colors are at their peak and, while the chicken pie suppers are now carry out only due to COVID, everyone is busy enjoying the season.   I made my annual apple pie last weekend, and our daily walks have been very nice, with new color showing every day.  It's foggy every morning but by mid-day it's sunny and bright.   
My neighbor made this sweet arrangement between our garages.  We are lucky she takes care of our decor as I was nursing my summer flowers for as long as I could.  They are finally all gone today when I cleaned the garage, put away all the planters, and scrubbed the house where the flowers were touching.
I have been busy making Harriet's Journey and Options blocks of the month.   Here are the HJ blocks.
I made some substitutions to avoid tiny appliqued pieces.  I have 64 blocks made now and am pondering how I'll set them.  And should I continue with the blocks of the month project or choose a few more to make before I put them together?  I have bought several yards of one of the black prints, some pink, and some white.   It's probably overkill, but I'd rather have options and some leftover fabric after I make up my mind.

In case you aren't as lucky as we are right now, here's another fall in Vermont photo - this is Paul's sister's home and island at Greenwood Lake, taken today.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what a beautiful scene at Paul's sisters house!! gorgeous!! and you would mention apple pie - now I feel like making one - Jessica and Ciera are coming on Sunday eager to show us the new puppy they got to go along with the older dog they have - apple pie might be just the right dessert to make and Mike and I wouldn't be eating the whole thing :)