Sunday, March 20, 2022

Rainy days

 I actually don't mind rainy days if they offer a few breaks to take walks now and then.  We took a couple yesterday and today - me fewer than Paul as I was too busy making dinner yesterday and sewing this morning.  Friends from Burlington, Pauline and Bob, came over yesterday for a late lunch/early dinner of Indonesian food.  I had been making various dishes since Thursday, and it was a true feast.  The Dutch call it a "rijsttafel," which means "rice table," a lot of dishes, large and small, spicy and piquant.  

I also baked an Indonesian cake from a mix because it was Bob's birthday.  I served that with mixed berries because I knew we'd be pretty full for much dessert.  Pauline brought some prosecco which went really well.  I was glad I didn't have to drive after the meal and even closed my eyes for a brief nap after doing the dishes.  We have plenty of leftovers for the next few days, which will be yummy and easy.

Yesterday I made the guild block of the month for March, a churn dash.  Here it is surrounded by the blocks I won in the February lottery.  As you can see, I used Ukranian colors in solidarity.

This morning, I worked ahead on some April blocks of the month using one of my favorite blocks - Blossom.  You can use four to make a nice tulip bouquet or set the blocks on point.  One will be in the online group lottery while the rest will go in my very miscellaneous not-so-rainbow challenge quilt.

I'm hoping to sit and read this afternoon as I'd like to finish the mystery I've been reading (The Concrete Vineyard, by Cam Lang).  It's very wordy, but I chose it because of the setting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, a charming little town.  We'd like to return there someday for the [George Bernard] Shaw Festival.  I'm looking forward to reading Jacqueline Winspear's new Maisie Dobbs book which comes out Tuesday.  And tonight's the return of Call the Midwife on PBS - yippee!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I haven't read the Maysie Dobb's books in awhile I will need to look and see which ones I haven't read. Paul is completely recovered now to be taking walks on his own now? Hope so!

Marianne said...

Yes Maisie is on her 17th book! Thanks for asking about Paul who is doing well. No dialysis (a miracle, they say) and eating a normal diet, working on writing projects as usual. This means I'm proofreading and editing again!