Thursday, March 31, 2022

Just machine quilting with a little handwork

Not much to show here - I've been busy at the computer, running around town on errands, and slowly machine quilting lines down my It's the Point quilt.  I'm using a variegated gray King Tut thread, and it's coming along pretty well.  I had been having a lot of trouble with my painter's tape popping up on long seams, so I tried a variety of other brands and weights.  Frog tape seems to work the best for me, considering I have a black background and a mix of batiks and other cottons.  The blue tape used to react differently depending on colors and types of cotton.  It was incredibly frustrating!  Now I'm facing a few weeks of straight line quilting with my walking foot.  It's a little dull but looks pretty good so I'll continue.  

I won't be working on any other machine projects for a while, but yesterday I did get the hanging sleeve on my Harriet's Journey quilt so I can send it to the Champlain Valley Quilters Guild show - April 22-24.  I'm mailing it but will go to the show on the 24th so I can pick it up afterwards.  I'm not having it judged and also noticed a couple of mistakes I made in the entry form so I'll send a message to the registrar today.

If I do sit down to do any sewing, it will be to work on some embroidery, both with the crazy quilt block I started at my sewing group's meeting in February and some wool pennies.  Both need quite a bit of embroidery embellishing which is more like play than anything else.

When I finish the machine quilting and binding, I will try to get my machine its much-delayed annual check up.  I always hate to see it go for a couple of weeks, but I do have plenty of handwork to keep me going.  And now that spring is trying hard to come, we will take more walks and even putter around the yard a bit.  We took the feeders down the other day because the bears are waking up.  There's plenty of seed that's been dropped on the grass underneath for the chickadees.  Quite a few tiny crabapples left on the tree have attracted flocks of robins and Bohemian waxwings - fun to watch from my sewing room window.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I used to various kinds of tape to mark lines and then gave it up because they wouldn't say in place and wouldn't stick good enough