Tuesday, April 21, 2020

On to other things

The Selvage Sampler is finished!  I pieced some long selvages together for the binding, which I enjoy adding.  The quilting on this is fairly simple - stitch in the ditch and crosshatching - so it went pretty fast.   I pieced two leftover batiks that a friend gave me for the back,  so it is really reversible.  As you can see, it was a little windy this morning when I had Paul hold it up on the back porch.

 I'll use it as a table cloth or as a picnic blanket.  We have weekly croquet games in our neighborhood on Friday afternoons in the summer, followed by a social time with wine, cheese, snacks.  It's really fun but of course weather dependent.  And who knows if we'll have the games this summer or how long social distancing will continue.   We'll have to wait and see.

This morning I tried a couple of ways to make glasses cases and think I have figured out which way works best for me.  I'll give my two samples to Mom and sister Jenny after I make a couple more.

I might make them for the library staff for Christmas this year.  I asked Paul if he could guess what they were, and he got it on the first guess.   Last year, some thought my oversized potholders were microwaveable bowl cozies, but I managed to correct the rumor before anyone used them in the microwave.  Insulbrite has metal in it so that would not be a good thing to zap.  There are about 13 people on the staff, so if I start working on them now I won't have to have a marathon later in the year.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

pretty quilt I think it is always nice to use one on the picnic table.