Friday, April 17, 2020

Selvage Sampler

I enjoy saving selvages and using them in various projects.  Last year, I started a sampler, attempting to make traditional quilt blocks using a solid and selvages.  Some blocks are a lot easier to make with selvages than others, I found.  I finally got the sampler to a size I can use and quilt myself - 54" x 54" - which is a fine size for a table cloth or picnic blanket.  The back is two leftover pieces of Indonesian batik that a friend gave me ages ago.  This quilt is really the ultimate in scrap usage!  I even pieced the batting.
Here it is, pin-basted.  I'm pretty much stitching in the ditch with an occasional diagonal here and there.  The center hexagon area was a little baggy, but quilting actually improved it, much to my surprise.  This will take me a few days to work on as I like to take breaks every hour or so.   That's fine as we continue Stay Home - Stay Safe.

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