Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quilt memories

Facebook can be both annoying and helpful.  I use it mostly to keep in touch with family and friends overseas and around the country.   I was very happy to get reacquainted with my Pennsylvania cousins Walter and Bernie last year and hope to get together with them someday soon.  My friend Samantha and I coordinate a page in support of our town forest friends, posting news and photos of our walks and adventures.   Posts from local organizations and businesses help me keep informed about what's going on in this little town.  And the bread machine group I joined this winter has really improved what I've been baking lately.  It also caused a bit of a flour shortage here and forced me to join Weight Watchers!

My high school classmates have a page, and it's interesting to catch up with friends I only see every ten years or so.  Many have gotten a lot nicer since those awkward years, and I've learned that some share a lot of the same opinions I do.  Our class was large - 618 - so it was impossible to know everyone very well.  Now I wish I had known some of these people better way back then.

A work-related group made up of retirees from other state library agencies who all collected public library statistics keeps us up on what's happened since most of us retired.  Several of us bonded when we were stuck in Washington, DC over 9-11, and we still see each other once in a while.

Quilt-related groups on Facebook offer ideas and a connection with my local guild and with a swap group with members in Canada, England, Australia, and around the US.  I love to see what others have made and share what I'm doing.

Facebook also "helps" by reminding me of quilts I've posted in the past.  Here's today's reminder, Oma's MuuMuu, made mostly of Indonesian batik clothing my parents wore in the past.  I gave it to my son, and he apparently has stored it to keep it safe.  I love the way it turned out, and that's saying a lot since brown is my least favorite color.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sounds like you use facebook much more than I! I find too many groups distracting especially when there are so many in the group that you haven't a clue who they even are. I have joined numerous facebook groups over the years only to stay in them for a short while and drop out of after a couple weeks to a month.