Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Moving slowly ahead

Today's newspaper had an editorial that used some apt language to describe how many people are feeling these days - exhausted and exasperated.   "COVID fatigue" seems to pervade our lives, despite welcome little breaks in  routines.  I am tired of being restricted, careful, and living life on tenterhooks, waiting for the next bad thing to happen.  I'm tired of the incessant negative verbiage of our president who enjoys whipping up hate and anger among everyone he is supposed to be leading.  Divide and conquer?  What we need instead is reassurance, healing, comfort, caring.

As a result, every Thursday afternoon, passing motorists can see us in the middle of downtown making our opinions known with a growing group of citizens and some politicians.  It's been an interesting exercise, not only because some nasty language has been hurled at us ("pedophile" - really?), but also because support has been quietly growing.   I hope the honks and waves will continue to increase in the run up to early voting which begins Sept. 19. 

Otherwise, it's been a relatively normal week here with a little of everything - sewing, reading, knitting, cooking.  I made a bunch of nine patch blocks last week and sorted out the ones with fall colors to make a quick fall table runner.  It will join two other fall table runners at the flower/gift shop soon.  There is a nip of fall in the air most mornings.  Today's high will be a mere 63 degrees.  I wore long pants several days last week for the first time in months.

I worked with some red charm squares over the weekend to make a smallish (36" x 45") quilt top in a lattice pattern that I'll add 6" borders to today.  This little quilt will sit in the closet waiting to be quilted for a while.  The Virtual Round Robin is calling.  September's round will be applique, and I know that will take time.  I haven't settled on a design yet but have been reviewing photos online and on my phone for ideas.  In addition,  the end of the knitted cardigan is in sight as I'm mid-way down the second sleeve.  I will need to block both sleeves before sewing them into the sweater.  Maybe I'll finish in time to wear it  before it snows?

Yesterday, all regular activities were suspended when Paul's sisters and their husbands came for a visit.  We borrowed another table and two extra chairs from neighbors, and each couple brought their own lunch.  I brought out snacks and a cooler of drinks.  We chased the shade around the house, and it was good to be together.  The Connecticut contingent said they'd try to come again before the weather turns cold, or we can meet mid-way for an outdoor lunch somewhere.  

Hope you are finding ways to beat the "fatigue"! 

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you had a family visit and were able to do it safely. You are much braver than I holding up your sign - our area is so rabid republican that if I stood out with a Biden sign I'm afraid I would be pelted with tomatoes or something or they would follow me home and throw things at me or destroy my yard - I'm really not kidding. I am so tired of politics and the man in office.
Finally late next week cooler weather will come in - it has too it will be September! weather always gets cooler gradual in September - I would love to wear a short sleeve t-shirt in comfort - because of the heat I wear tank tops at home and at almost 68 my skinny arms no longer look that great in them! I long for jeans and sweaters/sweatshirts