Monday, August 10, 2020

Wine tasting and other fun

Good Monday afternoon!  I spent the morning finishing quilting a twin-sized quilt that I started quilting about 10 days ago.  I got the borders on and now I need to add the binding.  But I'll do that tomorrow.   I just finished reading a good mystery that I started a few days ago, too, and I ordered the next book in the series featuring Lord and Lady Hetheridge, although in Ice Blue they aren't married yet.  In fact, they have just met and worked together on a homicide.  The author, Emma James, has a great way of moving the story along, talking about class differences (between Tony and Kate), and adding some reality to the story.

We had a fun weekend, beginning with croquet in the backyard with neighbors.   After the game, which Paul won for the umpteenth time, we set up our chairs in the shade and enjoyed wine and conversation, socially distanced.   Saturday was uneventful, but we did watch a good movie in the evening, Where'd You Go, Bernadette?  I loved the book, and Paul didn't look too excited when I told him that.  But he enjoyed it, too.  The movie was in some ways better than the book, and I thought the art in the closing credits was wonderful.  This was a sharp and welcome contrast to the movie Spenser which we had seen a few days earlier.  In that, the main character was in a fist fight every 15 minutes or so.  Paul's cup of tea!

Sunday we went with four friends to a wine tasting about three miles from home.   We had "won" the wine tasting and six bottles of wine at the library's winter banquet/auction.  It was the last social event any of us attended before the "Stay Home" order.  Paul and Fred had been bidding against each other all night for this, so we invited Fred and a guest to come along with us and two neighbors.  Chris Neddo, a dairy farmer-turned vintner, was very nice and offered an interesting variety of wines to taste.  See that award he received last year for his dry white "Crescent" wine?  That's one I took home.  He won my support by saying he was happy to support the library by offering the wine package, and he invited us back later in the fall to try his berry wines.  

Tonight we're having a movie night out in the back yard with our neighbors - Duck Soup with the Marx Brothers.  Our neighbor, Manny, has a projector and screen, and I have a computer and external speaker.  We have popcorn in individual bags and everyone is to bring a chair and drink.  So I hope it will be a success.  Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the plumber to come and unstop the kitchen sink.  Taking the good with the bad!

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