Monday, December 7, 2020

Favorite books, 2020 edition

I usually read about a book a week, sometimes more.  This year, I read quite a few less, probably due to the distractions of the pandemic and the fatigue induced by the insane person in the White House.  Good Reads tells me I read 41 so far, and I have several going right now that I may or may not finish by the end of the year.  Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:

 - The Life We Bury - Allen Eskens (thanks, Karen, for the recommendation)

 - Winter Garden - Kristin Hannah

 - Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel (my favorite this year; I'll be looking for more by this author)

 - Everyone Brave Is Forgiven - Chris Cleaves

 - The Way Life Should Be - Christina Baker Kline (great recipes)

 - Troubled Blood - Robert Galbraith (#5 in series)

 - Ice Blue - Emma Jameson (and three others in the series)

 - The Mountains Wild - Sarah Stewart Taylor (so glad to read a new book by this author)

 - Alone in the Wild - Kelley Armstrong (#5 in series)

 - Westering Women - Sandra Dallas

I see that several of these books were pretty long (Galbraith's book was nearly 1,000 pages!) which also accounts for my not reading as much this year.  I spent more time knitting while watching TV and quilting - it was a productive year at home.   

Curiously, I have been remiss in keeping my handwritten diary of books read this year.  I have five of these going back 15 or so years when I first started keeping track.  It all started at a family gathering when someone who had had a little too much to drink said, snidely,  "So you're a librarian.  How many books do you read in a year?" "52" was my off-the-top-of-my-head response which was met with a respectful raising of the eyebrows.   My diaries prove me correct and also help me remember what I read.  Guess I should go update it today!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I never keep track of how many books I read but I would say one or two a week is a good estimate! a lot of people do not read any and I'm always amazed at that.