Sunday, February 13, 2022

Omicron Cabin


Yippee!  Omicron Cabin, a UFO that has languished for several months, is now a quilt, albeit a small 36" x 36" one.  My Heart of Vermont guild is having a 36" square challenge this year, due in April, so I am all set.   No fabric was purchased for this quilt, although I did have to buy a little batting.  I used two colors of beige polyester thread to quilt it, a light beige in the bobbin and a slightly darker one on top.  You probably can't see the quilting, but I made rectangles and squares all over.  It feels good to finish something.

Today I'm planning to finish the crazy quilt square I started in my Saturday sewing group yesterday.  It has part of a hanky in the middle and is surrounded by various pink and beige scraps.  Next month we will work on embroidery and embellishments.   Can't wait!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it seems for two years all through the pandemic we quilt and quilt and quilt - the fabric stores must have stayed in business!