Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Scrappy birds


I've seen a lot of quilts with these funny birds over the years and even downloaded a pattern which I have since lost.  Over this past, frigid weekend, I drafted a 10" block and pulled out a few scraps from the box marked "wild patterns."  Combined with 25-patch blocks, it worked into a 36" x 36" baby quilt.

I quilted it mostly on a grid with some outlining of the birds.  This block used some funny parrot fabric along with a Kaffe Fasset scrap.  As you can see, I didn't make the legs as long as some people have because I wanted a uniform size for the blocks.

The pieced back uses a yard of Minnie Mouse fabric that has been hanging around for a while, and the borders were also pieces from deep in my blue tub.  I am out of the striped border fabric now, but next time I go to A Quilters Garden I'll see if there's more.  It works so well with scrappy quilts.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is so cute! looks like a dash of spring to me!