Saturday, October 10, 2020

Happy Saturday!

It's been a good day so far.  I finished quilting this little red quilt in a very simple grid pattern and cut out and sewed the binding pieces together.  I'll sew the binding on tomorrow, probably.  I ran down to the post office for stamps, the bakery for cookies, and the little grocery store down the hill for scallops for tonight's dinner.  I like to cook something special on Saturday nights, especially now that we rarely go out to eat.

It was beautiful weather this morning, so Paul and I took a couple of walks around the neighborhood.  We met the new neighbor kitty corner from us who asked for directions to the post office.  A young man came and cleaned out our dryer vent.  I bet it had not been cleaned in 30 years, and from the before and after pictures he showed me, we really needed it.  

I had put a post up on our local e-bulletin board asking for recommendations.   Several people responded, including this young man who recommends cleaning dryer vents about every five years.  I've been meaning to do it for about a year.  My dryer has been taking longer and longer to dry things lately, so I knew it needed doing... or we need a new dryer.  I would rather spend my money on fun things like fabric!  I love the e-bulletin board - people are so helpful.

We're expecting thunderstorms this afternoon, and it feels like it, so I'll stay inside and applique.  A friend from guild is moving, so everyone who wishes to will be making a 9" friendship star block to send her in her new home.  I will make one of those and am also making a block with our guild logo on it.  I designed it nine or ten years ago when the Heart of Vermont guild was getting started.  It's a 10" take-off on Moon Over the Mountains, and I have made several over the years.  I don't seem to have a photo so I'll try to take one of this version when finished.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you had a busy day - dryer vents - thanks for the mention of it been awhile since I cleaned ours

The Cozy Quilter said...

Love your red quilt! Such a great variety of fabrics. I have cleaned our dryer vent a few times. Amazing how much lint accumulated!