Friday, January 7, 2022

Another snow day

There's a "nor'easter" coming up the coast after hitting the Midwest.  We are just getting the dregs, but the roads look pretty mushy today so we're staying in.  I finished knitting and blocking the blue scarf I've been working on this morning and started on a hat to match.  These will eventually go to kids entering foster care.    

I have a great book that gives generic patterns for commonly knit items, with suggestions for embellishment.  I'm using slightly smaller needles for the hat so that it will be warmer.  

Before the bobbin cover on my machine broke, I managed to finish the center medallion on the Bonnie Hunter Unity quilt for the quilt-along.  Then I started on my four 6" red pineapple blocks for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Alas, I could only make two.  I have all the scraps piled up on my sewing table in hopes the replacement part will arrive soon.  I guess this would be a good time to vacuum the machine a bit.  I'm afraid the little plastic tab fell into the machine somewhere.  I hope to make the other two pineapple blocks and sew them together into a 12" this weekend.  

Our little Saturday hand sewing group is meeting - masked - tomorrow at the local quilt shop.  We were going to learn crazy quilting from one of our members, but unfortunately, she has been exposed to COVID-19.  So those who come will work on our own projects as usual.  That means a little more white on white quilting for me.  The piece I'm working on has been a UFO since the 1990s!   I unearthed it last year and hope to finish by the end of the year. 

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry you will be having such dreary winter days for time to come. Tomorrow morning we might get sleet - the temps tonight down to 25 and tomorrow high chance of rain starting in the AM - if it comes too early it will be sleet I'm afraid but a warm up so it won't last.
Those are nice pineapple quilt blocks - I made part of a quilt by hand years ago with them in the center of the quilt! Get busy girl you can do it before your part for your machine arrives :)