Sunday, April 10, 2022

April showers

 We've had some very typical early spring weather lately, and the bulbs are really springing up now.  I've even seen some buds on the daffodils.  My tulips are about 6" high, and the bleeding heart out back is beginning to wake up.  Can flowers be far behind?

Yesterday, at my monthly sewing group, I managed to hand stitch half of the binding on It's the Point.  I forgot that Tess wasn't going to be there, but I'll see her in May at the state guild meeting when I'll bring the quilt for Show and Tell.  I was pleased when Soni admired the straightline quilting. It looks wobbly to me, but the overall effect is great.  That "galloping horse" rule is definitely in effect with that quilt.

Meanwhile, I've been chipping away at the blocks for the RSC and other blocks of the month.  The rainbow color this month is pink, and I have a lot of it that needs sorting and going through.  I'm making variously sized house blocks, an online guild block of the month, and four 6" pineapple blocks.  Here are a few.  First, two of the four pineapples I've been making every month for a year and a half, and then a couple of houses and some posies.

Next up is my local guild's block of the month - churn dash in Ukrainian colors.  I really like that yellow/blue color combination.

I also finished the April portion of the Unity Quilt, but it's gotten too big and it's been too gloomy to take a picture indoors.  Those Bonnie Hunter quilts are truly fiddly, but so rewarding when done!

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