Monday, January 18, 2021

Serious snow


This, or actually something similar, was our view Saturday and yesterday.  The snow kept on falling, and, because it was quite wet, made for slushy streets.  But it was beautiful!  My friends Samantha and Vicki were brave enough to drive up to the Town Forest to snowshoe and take pictures, including this one.  It's one of my favorite spots in the forest, a peaceful place to rest by a quiet quarry and to gaze at the lovely "Westside" area with its old railroad bed and canopy of trees.  

It almost makes me want to strap on my snowshoes and head up there myself.   Instead of getting wet and cold, I choose to make snow days my sew days.  After making a loaf of bread, I played around with leftover pieces from the Grassy Creek mystery.  I don't know if they'll end up in the borders of the quilt which is now 69" x 69".  But I had fun nonetheless.

I also knit quite a bit on a new hat which uses up leftover gray and lilac yarn.  I have about an inch left to knit before I start decreasing for the crown.  Hope it fits!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would have strapped on the snowshoes (if I had any) and gotten in the walk in the beauty! I have never worn a pair though and would have probably fallen or something :)