Sunday, April 25, 2021

April, "the cruelest month"


They actually survived!  I noticed my tulips blooming on Monday or Tuesday of this week.  What a nice surprise!  They are on the south side so get plenty of sun.  The daffodils on the north side are still budding.  On Wednesday, it snowed all day so that by Thursday all of the tulips were flattened under about 3" of slush.  Out came the sun, and this how they looked Friday.  What a relief!  It is most definitely spring when the temperatures swing from 30 to 60 and back again nearly overnight.

I love to bring flowers in from outside and will pick a few today for the dining room table.  I need a little brightening indoors with Paul in the hospital since Wednesday night.  Despite lots of prodding and poking, the experts still don't have a diagnosis.  I work through worry by keeping busy, mopping floors, washing curtains and old quilts, baking cookies for Paul, taking walks, working on my "gridified" Kinderdijk quilt.  

Last night neighbors invited me for dinner, which was a fun, welcome diversion.   Today I'll clean the refrigerator and try to beat the rain by walking early.  I'll visit Paul before my last Ricky Tims class at 3.   I've enjoyed the five sessions so far but have a lot of work to finish up in time for our show and tell session May 8.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry to hear Paul is in hospital! and hope they give a diagnosis soon then you know what is going on and can move on with it. I thought your tulips would survive ok, when we lived in Idaho there were times they would open and then be covered in snow again.